
Chevron Studio selects entrepreneurs twice a year to form a cohort. Applicants are first selected to explore IP during the Discovery Phase. Then, entrepreneurs who advance to the Scale-Up Phase form companies around their selected IP and work toward scaling their technologies. Companies that advance to the Field Trial Phase work toward commercializing their technologies.

ip in discovery

cohort 5

Pennsylvania State University

Ozone Oxidative Precipitation of Elements from Aqueous Streams

Solutions for a Circular Economy

Pennsylvania State University

Direct Electrochemical Extraction of Lithium From Ores

Energy Storage Solutions

Pennsylvania State University

Ligand and Method for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements

Solutions for a Circular Economy

University of Southern California

Ethanol as a 1-Way Hydrogen Carrier

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

Colorado State University

Hydrocarbon Sensing Device to Identify Contaminated Water


University of Minnesota

Efficient Ammonia Production Using Stable Absorbents

Energy Storage Solutions

Washington State University

A Durable Ni-Sn Aerogel Catalyst for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) in Water Splitting

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

cohort 4

Colorado State University

Trace Hydrogen Gas Sensor

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Nanoporous Polymer Matrix Composites for Daytime Radiative Cooling

Solutions for a Circular Economy

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

New Method for Regenerating Lead Acid Batteries

Solutions for a Circular Economy

cohort 3

University of Colorado

Microbial Electrolytic Carbon Capture for Carbon Negative and Energy Positive Wastewater Treatment

Carbon Utilization

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Catalytic Porous Polymer for Selective Reduction of CO2

Carbon Utilization

Carnegie Mellon University

Latent Robotics

Solutions for a Circular Economy

cohort 2

Georgia Tech University

Novel Extraction and Precipitation Process that Harvests REE from Coal Ash

Solutions for a Circular Economy

University of Texas at Austin

Mutations for Improving Activity and Thermostability of PETase Enzymes

Solutions for a Circular Economy

Pennsylvania State University

Method to Produce Hydrogen from Seawater Electrolysis

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Acceleration of Carbon Dioxide Mineralization for Geological Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Utilization

Carnegie Mellon University

Process Innovation for Lithium-Ion Battery Performance Enhancement

Energy Storage Solutions

cohort 1

Colorado State University

Optical Gas Imaging

Solutions for a Circular Economy

Texas A&M University

Smart Hydrogen Storage Protocol

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

Colorado School of Mines

Ammonia Synthesis Using a Catalytic Nitrogen-Selective Membrane

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

companies in scale up

cohort 4

Brint Tech

Kathy Andersen

Trace Hydrogen Gas Sensor

Colorado State University


Sanjeev Kalyanaraman

Nanoporous Polymer Matrix Composites for Daytime Radiative Cooling

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

cohort 2

Last Loop Metals

Catherine Ember

Novel Extraction and Precipitation Process that Harvests REE from Coal Ash

Georgia Tech University

companies in field trial

cohort 1

Aquanta Vision Technologies

Babur Ozden

Optical Gas Imaging

Colorado State University

alumni companies

cohort 1


Karen Baert

Ammonia Synthesis Using a Catalytic Nitrogen-Selective Membrane

Colorado School of Mines